M Agus Badruzaman Al Khoir(1), Sriyanto Sriyanto(2),

(1) Department of Informatics Engineering, Institute of Informatics and Business Darmajaya Lampung
(2) Department of Informatics Engineering, Institute of Informatics and Business Darmajaya Lampung
Corresponding Author


Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a contributor to the number 1 cause of death in the world besides cardiovascular disease. The tendency of Indonesian people who do not know and ignore coronary heart disease is a factor that causes Indonesia to be high a contributor to deaths caused by coronary heart disease. This research is expected to produce new predictions of heart disease using genetic optimization of neural networks with better prediction results and can obtain algorithms with new percentage values in predicting coronary heart disease. Genetic optimization of the neural network is used because the algorithm follows the human nervous system which has the characteristics of parallel processing, processing elements in large quantities, and fault tolerance. The results of the research carried out are the accuracy obtained by 82.18% and increased to 83.50% after using genetic algorithm optimization, from these results it can be concluded that the neural network algorithm can be better if it is supported by genetic algorithm optimization


Prediction, Coronary Heart Disease, Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm.


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DOI: 10.56327/ijiscs.v6i2.1235


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