Hana Atthifa Ryantika(1), Merry Parida(2), Rustam Rustam(3), Herman Afandi(4), Sani Hanika Lubis(5),

(1) Informations System, Institut Teknologi Bisnis Dan Bahasa Dian Cipta Cendikia, Lampung
(2) Informations System, Institut Teknologi Bisnis Dan Bahasa Dian Cipta Cendikia, Lampung
(3) Informations System, Institut Teknologi Bisnis Dan Bahasa Dian Cipta Cendikia, Lampung
(4) Informations System, Institut Teknologi Bisnis Dan Bahasa Dian Cipta Cendikia, Lampung
(5) Informations System, Institut Teknologi Bisnis Dan Bahasa Dian Cipta Cendikia, Lampung
Corresponding Author


PT. Rasa Prima Sejati Wall's is a company engaged in the field of ice cream food and Cimory drinks. This company has various types of ice products and Cimory drinks to offer. Every year the company can create new products, especially in various flavors, not only that, the company guarantees the quality of the products it produces. The problem faced by the company is that the sale of available goods does not match consumer demand. The company also has not used predictors or plans for the sale of goods so that there is a buildup of goods which results in losses in the company. In this case the research will make predictions by looking at past sales data. The data taken is only sales data for Cimory products for the last three years from 2019-2021. Research using the Liner Regression method is one of the methods in the function of predicting sales. Linear regression is a statistical method used to construct a model or relationship between one or more independent variables X and response variable Y. The software used to support data processing is Rapidminer. The purpose of this study is to use data mining to identify the most popular, least popular, and desirable products or items at Pt. Rasa Prima so that companies can use this information as a guideline for managing their inventory and attending to customer disappointment properly available using a simple linear regression method, the prediction results for 2022 and RapidMinier are 770000. This prediction can help companies make decisions and reduce inventory shortages.


Data Mining, Simple Linier Regression, RapidMiner v 7.1


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DOI: 10.56327/ijiscs.v7i1.1333


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