Nafis Md Zawad(1),

(1) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, American International University
Corresponding Author


The paper intends to discuss the status of data mining applications in the normal and critical healthcare system of Bangladesh.  The paper also focuses on the data mining strategies and processes in the current healthcare system in Bangladesh. This is a secondary source-based review paper. The methodology chosen for the study is a literature review and document analysis. The literature review was done through the analysis of book chapters, research-based articles, review-based journal articles, organizational reports, and conference papers. The key findings of the study indicate that as Bangladesh is not a developed country and is a developing one, the country’s healthcare system is not up to the required standard, and the application of data mining techniques is very limited and in most cases, it is at the policy level. The implementation and practice of data-mining techniques is available in internationally recognized organizations and institutions. In these circumstances, the country’s healthcare policymakers and administrators should employ experts in data mining in healthcare services and facilities and standard technologies should be included in their administering the data mining in healthcare facilities. Besides, data mining should be incorporated with other related concepts and strategies to make the highest outcomes in health care systems.


Data Mining Healthcare, Bangladesh, Challenges, Prospects


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